Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My new life: "Sorry it's such an inconvenience!"

 I became vegan the day after Christmas. I told my family and friends of my decision and got mixed reviews (as expected of course!) A week later, I went to a family dinner where I could literally eat nothing there.  This of course met with sarcasm, criticism, and jokes (none of which I minded.)

I am a good sport and know that not everyone understands or agrees with my new lifestyle! I mean, "different" is scary to a lot of people... me included.

Along the past several weeks, I have come up against a lot of tough questions.  The easiest question to answer is: "Why would you want to do something like that?" I always reply "Simply put, to save my life. I have seen that a vegan lifestyle can drastically improve autoimmune disease symptoms." I have recognized that it does come out almost robotic at this point--but I have had to say it a lot!  Again, not minding.  I love to share with people what I am doing and how it is making me feel (or I wouldn't have started this blog!)

Other questions I often encounter (and their respective answers):
"But you need meat and dairy, don't you? All humans do!"  No, you don't need meat. It has been proven time and time again that humans do not need meat.  In fact, there are groups of people in the world who still do not eat meat OR dairy and they have less (virtually no) cases of cancer and other diseases. Read "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell or watch "Forks over Knives".

"Aren't you going to be low in all kinds of vitamins?"  Actually, some of my vitamin levels are higher than ever. The one vitamin you cannot get from a plant based diet is B12 but it is very rare to get a B12 deficiency because our body produces enough for us. Plus, there are those handy supplements and fortified rice milk, cereals, etc...  For peace of mind.

"Don't you miss cheese? You used to live on cheese!"  And we wonder how I had cholesterol way over 200... Yes I miss it, I did love it, but toward the end of our love affair, I realized just how gross it was.

"You aren't going to force your son and husband to eat like this, are you?"  My son doesn't like meat anyway. I let him drink milk for now, but I am going to introduce him to rice milk, which is delicious. It is fortified with calcium and other vitamins as well. For now, this picky eater gets a lot of protein from his peanut butter toast. As for my husband, the deal with him is the only cheese in the home is bleu cheese (which he loves and I loathe) and he can have as much meat as he desires if he cooks it. He is cooking up a lot and throwing it in the freezer. But he said he honestly hasn't even noticed the lack of meat as I have been making hearty meals with beans, veggies, rice, etc...

There are so many other things I have heard along the way thus far.  But the most important thing to me is that I have piqued a lot of people's interest.  I consider it spreading seeds.  I am just living my life, and planting seeds of interest in other people.  I have some doubters who have come back a week later and said something like "I have been thinking about this thing you are doing... and I want to know more about it."

I guess the fact that I have lost 10 lbs since, doesn't hurt...

I announced on my facebook that I was down 60 lbs since my heaviest weight.  Boy if that didn't generate a lot of interest.  I was overwhelmed with the support and love that I received in return as well.  These are people who have watched my struggle.  I don't think any of them knew how bad it all was, but I am slowly leaking more details out as they are each resolved. 

The most annoying response I ever received was from people who said, "Well what am I supposed to feed you when you come over?  I just won't bother trying to feed you I guess."  My response to this has been fairly simple.  "JUST ASK ME!" 

I don't understand why people can't just ask me what I DO eat rather than focusing on all the things I do not eat.  It is very simple to understand what I eat: beans (excluding soy), nuts (excluding soy nuts), vegetables, and fruits, olive oil, grains and rice... how is that hard to understand?  Or is it that it isn't "convenient" because it isn't what you eat? 

So, I'm sorry I don't eat pork, potatoes smothered in butter and sour cream, or snack cakes.  But really?  I mean, order me a tomato pie if it's that inconvenient--but please make sure they don't use egg or milk in their dough and don't put cheese on it.  Throw some mushrooms on it and you have my favorite "treat" dinner.  Or just have a salad available.  Always the safest bet.  Just don't put dressing on it, let me choose my own. 

If other people can have substitutions and exclusions at restaurants, why can't I? Why can't I ask them to "hold the cheese" without getting an eye roll from someone sitting at my table.  Why can't I ask if something has milk in it without getting an exasperated sigh from the peanut gallery? 

When I first found out about my soy allergy (which gives me severe hives up my neck into my lips and ears) I received the same courtesy from people.  I try explaining it is a matter of life and death but can you believe that even after almost three years living soy free, some people still don't believe me?  "But you used to eat this stuff all the time!"  Yes, but three years ago, I was having hives, trouble breathing, and severe stomach problems every day!  But now I am not, unless I unknowingly eat something with soy or pea protein in it.  Why is this so hard for some people to understand?  No, it is not in my head, it is in my body. 

I am sorry that my allergy and my diet is such an inconvenience to some people, but I am much happier without that stuff in my body.  I believe there is a reason I went through a three week detox after I stopped eating all that nonsense.  I believe there is a reason my skin went into cystic acne trying to excrete all of the toxins, and why I could hardly leave a bathroom.  Because now, I feel like a different person. 

I am truly awake for the first time in years.  My body is slowly "getting the bugs out" and my Sjogren's symptoms have decreased in intensity. I never have heartburn anymore (which I used to have every day) and rarely have panic attacks (which also used to be every day).  I feel happier, lighter (literally and figuratively), and brighter.  I have had three different doctors look at me after not seeing me for around three months and say "what have you been doing? Your skin looks bright and you look great!  One of my doctors is even eliminating dairy himself!

I say to skeptics: try it yourself.  Then tell me it is so wrong.

1 comment:

  1. You are preaching to the choir! My diet has been free of pasteurized dairy, sugar, and gluten (with very few exceptions) for nearly a year and I still get the questions and the "what am I supposed to feed you when you visit" and "you don't make the kids eat that way do you?" and "but dairy is a food group!" (the raw dairy bit seems to ruffle the most feathers ;) stuff all the time...I don't expect that to fade anytime soon. I kind of started learning to make jokes about it and I think people are starting to get used to it a bit. I still feel like I have to give a dissertation about my choices though because people always want to know WHY. That's the tough part because most people who ask why really don't want to know :) It's all part of the journey right?
